To help prepare for our final English exam this Friday, please review the present simple tense and present continuous tense using the following online resources.  Click on each link below.  

Present Simple Girl

Present Continuous Guy

Now share your ideas on the following questions.

1.  What situations do we use the present simple for?

2.  Give an example of using the present simple in each of the following forms:

Affirmative +:

Negative -:

Interrogative ?:

3.  What situations do we use the present continuous for?

4.  Give an example of using the present continuous in each of the following forms:

Affirmative +:

Negative -:

Interrogative ?:
Please visit our Language Arts page for How the World Works.  At the bottom, choose two different sites to help review and study adverbs for tomorrow's learning assessment.  Once you have completely explored BOTH sites (videos, websites, games, quizzes etc.) answer the following questions by "Adding a Comment" to this blog post here.

  1. Name the two sites you used to study.
  2. Compare the two websites - what was similar and what was different about them?
  3. Explain one good thing you remembered/learned/explored further in this site?
  4. Would you recommend either or both of these sites to other people learning about adverbs? Support your answer with detailed reasons.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


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