To help prepare for our final English exam this Friday, please review the present simple tense and present continuous tense using the following online resources.  Click on each link below.  

Present Simple Girl

Present Continuous Guy

Now share your ideas on the following questions.

1.  What situations do we use the present simple for?

2.  Give an example of using the present simple in each of the following forms:

Affirmative +:

Negative -:

Interrogative ?:

3.  What situations do we use the present continuous for?

4.  Give an example of using the present continuous in each of the following forms:

Affirmative +:

Negative -:

Interrogative ?:
12/4/2012 03:47:02 am

We use the present simple for tell what you are doing in that same time.
I am doing my homework right now.
I didn't do my homework.
Did I do my homework

We use present continuous to tell two things that were happening.
I am studying when he is doing his job.
They are not studying while I am watching Chile vs Peru.

12/4/2012 03:51:18 am

1. What situations do we use the present simple for?

We use it when you do something in the present but it can´t ends with ing.

2. Give an example of using the present simple in each of the following forms:

Affirmative +: I am play football all the days.

Negative -: I not play playstation all the days.

Interrogative ?: Does he play footbal?

3. What situations do we use the present continuous for?

We use it when you do something in the present, it can ends with ing.

4. Give an example of using the present continuous in each of the following forms:

Affirmative +: He is playing football at the stadio.

Negative -: He is not running the marathon.

Interrogative ?: Does Cristian is shouting?

12/4/2012 04:14:50 am

1. It is infinitive. It does not tell you what he or she is doing right now it also tells you things like: I usually ARRIVE at school at eight.

2. I always eat salad at lunch.
I love to walk in my garden, it is so colorful.
Why do you always wear a hat?

3. You use the present continuous when you are saying what you are doing at this moment.

4. I am brushing my hair.
I am not working because I am not doing my homework.
What are you doing?

12/4/2012 04:39:45 am

1. we use present simple tense when the action happens all the time.
+I always go to school.
- Robert doesn't work hard .
? Do you like ice cream?

3. we use present continuous tese to talk about actions happening at this moment and actions in the future

+ I am reading a really interesting book now.
- I was not studying for the english test.
? Are you watching television?

Agustina G
12/4/2012 05:20:33 am

1. We use present simple for saying what we always do.
1. I always play a very nice game after seeing a scarry movie.
2. Today my brother did not study as he always do.
3. Were you climbing that tree as you always do on Fridays?

We use present continuous when we want to tell what we are doing right now.
1. I am eating right now, can you please stop singing in my ear!?
2. I am not studying because I will take a bad grade.
3. Are you at the cinema right now?

12/4/2012 05:33:23 am

1. We use the present simple to talk about things that we do constantlly and abitually.

2.+ I usually get late to school.
- She don't like rock music.
? Does she arrive by bus to school everyday?

3.We use the present continuous when we are talking about something that is happening at the moment right now.

4. +They are having fun at the party
- They are not eating at the casino today.
? Are they swimming at the swimming pool?

12/4/2012 05:45:02 am

We use the present tense to talk about different things such as opinions, habits and facts that are happening at the present.
My house is nice.
My house isn't nice.
Is my house nice?

We use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about activities happening now.
Now I'm studying.
Now I'm not studying.
Am I studying now?

12/4/2012 06:05:35 am

1.we use present simple when the action happens at the same time.
i always play outside.
i dont like ballet.
did she get to his house yesterday?

we use present continious when we are talking of something that is happening right now.
they are playing football.
they are not playing football.
are thay playing football now?

12/4/2012 06:08:54 am

1. we use present simple to tell what we usually do in our daily lifes.

2. examples:
- I am always sleepy in the morning.
- I don't do my homework at the last moment.
- Are you going to hockey tomorrow as you usually do?

3. we use present continuous to tell what we are doing at the moment and what we will do in the future.

- I will go to a birthday on Thursday.
- I am studying for the final test.
- Tomorrow i will go to the doctor.

12/4/2012 06:42:14 am

1.We use them when you do something in the present but dont ends with "ing."
I usually go to school every day.(affirmative)
She doesn´t like cupcakes.(negative.)
Did you know that tomorrow is my birthday?(interrogative)

2.We use present continuos when we are talking about something tht is hapening just in that moment.

They are having fun playing at the park.(affirmative)
They are not eating pizza tomorrow.(negative)
Are they eating at the casino?(interrogative)

12/4/2012 07:08:02 am

1.We use them when you do something in the present but dont ends withh - ing
I usually go to the park every day.(affirmative)
She doesn´t like to study math at school .(negative.)

2.We use present continuos when we are talking about something tht is hapening just in that moment or when youu are duing right now

12/4/2012 07:42:37 am

1. We use them for describing things that we do at the same time.
2.I often play pianno.
I do not like to drink juice.
Does she play in the pianno five times every week?
3.we use them for describing what is doing the nown in that moment or in the same amount of time.
4. I am writting right now.
I am not playing pianno in this minute.
Is her notebook dancing right now?

12/4/2012 08:48:28 am

We use the present simple for telling what is happening right now.
+ I'm writting with a pen right now.
-- I'm not writting with a pen right now.
? am I writting with a pen right now.

We use present continous to tell what actions are we doing now or in the future and telling that 2 actions are happening.
+ I am playing while you are working.
-- I'm not working while you are playing thats unfare.
? Am I playing while you are working?

jose u
12/4/2012 08:58:03 am

1. We use them for describing things that we do at the same time.
2. I like to play football.
Did y am like the piano?
I DO NOT like the milk.
4.We use it when you do something in the present, it can ends with ing.
Did y am playing whith my Ipod?
I am shouting right now!!!
I am not shouting right now.

12/4/2012 09:18:41 am

1.We use them to describe things that we do at the same time.
I always play hockey.
I dont like the peanut butter.
Does she like bunnies?

2.We use it to describe what we are doing in the exact moment.
I am playing hockey right now.
I am not sleeping right now.
Is she having fun right now?


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