Please visit our Language Arts page for How the World Works.  At the bottom, choose two different sites to help review and study adverbs for tomorrow's learning assessment.  Once you have completely explored BOTH sites (videos, websites, games, quizzes etc.) answer the following questions by "Adding a Comment" to this blog post here.

  1. Name the two sites you used to study.
  2. Compare the two websites - what was similar and what was different about them?
  3. Explain one good thing you remembered/learned/explored further in this site?
  4. Would you recommend either or both of these sites to other people learning about adverbs? Support your answer with detailed reasons.
11/29/2012 03:27:26 am

1. I played:

2.Both websites asked questions but in my opinion the "who whants to be a millionare" had more difficuld questions.

3.I learned more about adverbs and the funcions they have. Such as how they work and how they can be easy to find if you look PATIENTLY.

4.I recomend both websites for the same reason because they are really good and give you multiple choices so if you like to try it they are really good!

11/29/2012 03:28:43 am

The two games are about adverbs,both are fun.The difference between them was that the second one was more exciting because you earn money .I learned more about adverbs in a fun way.I would recomend the millionary web site because is very fun and you can learned more vocabulary.

11/29/2012 03:43:37 am

1. Pick It Adverbs - A Tutorial & Game Grammar Blast - A game with adverbs, adjectives & articles.
2. The similarities that they are of adverbs and they help you to study for that quiz.
3. In this website I remember that when I was little I was studing the adjectives.
4. I recomend the both sites because they help you to study and know more abut adverbs.

Juan sm
11/29/2012 03:44:34 am

quia quiz show
learn english

both were of adverbs, both were of quizes. one was fun other was boring.
learn little bit more of adverbs.
yes because they teach you very good things

Agustin Wilhelm
11/29/2012 03:49:15 am

Who wants to be a millionare
An adverb Quiz

Who wants to be a millonare was fun because you want to reach levels and the other is boring.

I learn that some adverbs don't finish on-"ly"

I would recomend "Who wants to be a milonare" because was fun.

javier sm
11/29/2012 03:54:38 am

They are about adverbs both.The difference was that one was more borringe because the other one got exiting things.I learned a new things about adverbs, that they describe CLAUSES too. I would recomend the millionary web site because it got more info and my sister said that they use that page in class so I use it too.

11/29/2012 03:59:52 am

grammar blast
quia adverb millions

The grammar blast is about adverbs, adjectives, and articles. And the quia adverb millions is about adjectives and adverbs.
I learn more of adverbs, and where I need to put it with an adjective.
The grammar blast I would recomend it because if you get wrong an answer 2 times they say to you the answer so you learn the correct one. And the quia adverb millions i would recomend it because is like the game ''how to be millionaire'' and also because, if you get it wrong the game finish and you need to start again so you can practice and study more.

11/29/2012 04:09:16 am

1. and

2. both websites asked questions and you win points or money, that makes it more fun.

3. I learned a lot in the "who wants to be a millionaire" game beacause it was harder.I also prefer that one because you try to get $1.000.000.

4. these websites are different, they don´t have information that you have to read and get bored, they ask question. it is more fun!

11/29/2012 04:12:35 am

This game is very good to study adverbs
I think that is vey good page to study ,also the video was very good !!! also it was very good Who wants to be a millionare beause you change level and also .
I will recoment Who wants to be a millionare

Diego Warnken
11/29/2012 04:27:07 am

I recommend pick it adverbs because it was fun and it was good to study.I learned to make the questions to answer like how tatata.
I don't recommend grammar blast because it was boring and bad for studying .I don't learned nothing on this one.

Agustina G
11/29/2012 04:36:54 am

1. Quia Quiz Show And An Adverb Quiz
2. They both help you in adverbs a lot. Quia Quiz Show was fun because you recived money and passed levels, An Adverb Quiz was very boring.
3. I learned that not all the adverbs end in "ly" as I thought.
4. That is why because they were educative.

11/29/2012 04:42:41 am

Both talk about adverbs.But the second one it was more interesting because you could lose or win money.Also I realized. And now I know much more things about adverbs in a very incredibly funny way.I liked more the millionary website and it have a better vocabulary.

Constanza T
11/29/2012 05:09:15 am

1. a)Pick It Adverbs
b)Grammar Blast

2. They are similar because both are for sudying. They are different because one have just adverbs and the another one have adjetives too.

3. I learned that in a sentence the adverbs HOW do not have to finish in "-ly".

4. I would recomend "a)" because it have a lot of adverbs it also have definitions and sentences for examples too.

Maite Sazunic
11/29/2012 05:49:42 am

Who wants to be millioner and a tuteral and game.
They were similar in that they where both very good to teach adverbs , to repass for a test and to recognize more the adverbs in the sentences. The difference of them was that one (who wants to be milliner) was with alternatives and they were more difficult than the other that was tuteral and game , the tuteral and game was more easy because the answers were very easy to see and to recognize.In the who wants to be millioner I saw that the most comun adverbs ended with ly and there were more adverbs that were how than were or when.I will recomend the who wants to be millioner because there are more examples to study , they are a litlle bit complecated (that is good because you learn more and because you really put the effort on that game and is like a fun way to study adverbs.The other one I will said sometimes yes and sometimes no because it is very easy and is very easy to see the answer.

11/29/2012 06:01:56 am

1.I use one game that is named pick it and adverb quiz.

2.The similarity is that they both have adverbs and they are different because one is a game and one is like a little quiz.

3.I learned more about adverbs and their actions.

4.I recomend toy these both website because they can help you study for adverds and also because the pages are very good.

Tomas Hauser
11/29/2012 06:12:06 am

who wants to be a millionaire its really fun because you pass many levels and also a tutorial and games its fun and help me realy much.
I now know that you dont need to put so much things or circle.
i would recomend the tutorial because you now very much things and also is really fun the face of the monkey and also is fun the game

11/29/2012 06:14:57 am

Who wants to be millioner and the A tutoral & game. They were similar in the way that they were both games, and in both you had to choose the adverb in a sentence. They were different because one you were like scoring money and in the other points. The WHO WANTS TO BE MILLIONER was more fun than the other one I think but also a little bit more boring. I think that this sites were very good because they helped you learn more about adverbs. Also was fun because it was like "QUIEN QUIERE SER MILLONARIO". I think I would recommend this games to people that are learning adverbs because thay are very good and fun. They are very creative and it's easier to learn having fun.

11/29/2012 06:24:51 am


2. This websites were similar becouse they were both about questions. But the first was of adverbs and adjectives and the second was just about adverbs.

3. I learned that only the adverbs that explain how can end in "ly".

4. I strongly recomend that you use to study the first website becouse it's the more complete one.

11/29/2012 07:11:33 am

I chose Grammar Blast and adverbs of manner.
They were similar because both had questions and then checked them.I learned that mushy was an adverb. I didn't learn much more. I do not recommend adverbs of manner because it was easy. Grammar blast was more difficult and could help you to study.

11/29/2012 07:24:45 am

Quia Quiz Show - Adverb Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Pick It Adverbs - A Tutorial & Game
2. The websites were compare with the games and with identife the adverb.

3. A good thing of the websites is that they help you in adverbs or many other things.

4. I recommend to use the (A Tutorial&Game) because you learn of the mistakes but with the other is competition.

Arturo Miquel
11/29/2012 08:59:54 am

I used PICK IT and GRAMMAR BLAST to study.

Both of them are talking about adverb and both have options to select.
The difference between them is that in PICK IT you needed to choose a word from the phrase and in GRAMMAR BLAST you had different options to choose.

They are very good for studying and you had fun because you played studying. Now I learned what is an adverb better and how to find it easily. You need to ask yourself how/when or where this happend.

I recommend both sites because they help you very much in adverbs and they are very fun.

12/4/2012 04:41:54 am

Affirmative:I am playing.
Negative: I am not playing.
Interogative:does he is playing.


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